Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering Measurements and the Neutron Charge Form Factor at Very Low Momentum Transfers

Book Description

Seventy-five measurements of the differential elastic electron-deuteron scattering cross section were made for values of (q sup 2) ranging from 0.05 to 0.35 (fm sup -2) at the NPS LINAC with electron scattering angles of 60 degrees to 120 degrees. The charge radius of the deuteron was determined to be (r sub (E sub d) = 1.9641 plus or minus 0.0074 fm. Values of the neutron charge from factors were calculated using Lomon-Feshbach Model 1,5, and 15 relativistic corrections to the deuteron save functions. (Author Modified Abstract).

Elastic Scattering of High Energy Electrons from Deuterium

Book Description

The purposes of the present work are: (1) To investigate the method of elastic electron-deuteron scattering by detection of the recoil target nucleus. (2) To evaluate existing theory for the scattering process in light of the recent advances in understanding nucleon structure and the nuclear force. (3) To provide experimental data at values of the momentum transfer where none had previously existed. Some fundamental preliminary considerations are discussed in Chapter II. Chapter III contains a summary of theoretical aspects of the problem and results of calculation. Some basic experimental questions are answered in Chapter IV. In Chapter V the experimental apparatus is described. The data, method of analysis, and corrections are discussed in Chapter VI. In the last chapter a comparison of the experimental results with theoretical predictions is made, and conclusions and suggestions for further work are given.

Light-front Dynamics of Elastic Electron-deuteron Scattering

Book Description

Measurements of the deuteron form factors over a wide range of momentum transfer can provide important clues to the role of subnucleon degrees of freedom in nuclear dynamics. For a meaningful calculation of the form factors it is essential that the current density operators and the deuteron wave function transform under Lorentz transformations in a mutually consistent manner. Standard nucleon-nucleon interactions can be used to construct unitary representations of the Poincare group on the two-nucleon Hilbert space. Deuteron wave functions represent eigenstates of the four-momentum operator. Existing parameterizations of measured single-nucleon form factors are used to construct a conserved covariant electromagnetic current operator. The light-front symmetry of the representation allows a clean separation of the effects of one- and two-body currents for arbitrary momentum transfers. Comparison with data indicates that for Q2